Milan Nuts Manufacturing

You recognize their products by the smell – a memory out of your childhood – christmas time – candies. Easy business you would think. A family owned manufacturing company stepping in the next generation. Sounds easy as well, are you sure? After the first meetings with Milan, the next generation guy, having the same passion as his parents and his uncle, having worked already in the family business for 8 years – starting as a boy, we got addicted to their products. No fear we haven’t been paid in nuts. As the family business could be developed successfully be the past generation, ist is time to hand over, but family business is usually not a gift, you have to earn it. Work of the last decades has to be paid off. At the time we got involved Milan started thinking about new strategies for product development, marketing and sales channels. BNS could help first to structure this ideas, checking the existing operation, having an in-depth look t the financials, the structure, the manufacturing processes, including the supply chain. BNS developed the strategy for restructuring and investment portfolio. Now Milan is on the way – taking over the business and we are looking forward to next christmas coming up – remember the smell…