Push – Design will shape the world

Design Andermatt

Push! Design Andermatt will be for Andermatt what Art Basel is for Basel

Push! Andermatt – the new design award!

Annual conferral of a new international design award in Andermatt


Universities, creative industries, business, investments


Annual thematic focus


Investors, jury, experts, network, specialist audiences

Event series

Symposium and exhibitions

Push! Design Andermatt – the new international hot spot

International designers interacting with industry, business and the investment community.

Young creative minds as a new talent pool for business.


“It is necessary […] to institute measures that encourage growth.”

(Study on the economic potential of the creative industries’ in Vienna, Final report, 2004, i.A.v. Kulturdokumentation, Mediacult and Wifo)

BNS – we are a networking company, and no we don’t have all the ideas ourself, we work with the creative ones. PUSH was a development we started first at Base-Level, the time a young creative guy walked in, starting as an intern, staying as a young curator. Not all ideas become reality, but we work hard on getting them of the ground. By the way the young guy, not so young anymore, is now the master mind behind our homepage, and not just ours. A valid network partner of BNS.